Paper or Online?
Thanks to the continued improvement on the online world we are gaining a big selection of course materials online however we still have access to the normal hard copy materials if you prefer the reel feel of paper.
PLEASE NOTE: Course with online materials and course with standard materials will cost the same.
Online Materials
Want to have access to all your PADI materials wherever you go? Then online is the way to go, you can buy all your online materials here, but at this moment in time we do not have online materials ready for every course available. All core courses (Open Water, Advanced, Rescue and Divemaster) do have both online and standard materials.
Standard Materials
Many people still prefer the old fashioned look and feel of paper and who can blame them. That's why we still offer the hard copy materials for all PADI courses, you even get some extra goodies with.
Have a look at our range of materials and what each one includes:
Other Goodies
We also have a huge variety of other goodies and learning materials available for all, from encyclopedias to SMB's.
Open Water Ultimate Crewpak

With this Crewpak you will be ready for anything as a new diver and have access to a wide range of PADI materials needed throughout the course and beyond.

This Crewpak includes the following:
- 1 x Open Water Manual
- 1 x RDP - Electronic (eRDPml Access Card)
- 1 x Dive Computer Simulator - Access Card
- 1 x Video – OW Diver – Student edition*
- 1 x Diver's Log, Blue
- 1 x Student Record File
- 1 x PADI Decal
- 1 x Bag - Crewpak, Blue
- Brochures
If you are interested in this contact us now!!
Advanced Open Water Ultimate Crewpak

With this Crewpak you will be ready for anything as an advanced qualified diver and have access to a wide range of PADI materials needed throughout the course and beyond.

This Crewpak includes the following:
- 1 x Adventures in Diving Manual
- 1 x Slate - Adventures in Diving Multipurpose Data Carrier
- 1 x PADI Surface Signal Marker
- 1 x Video – AOW Diver – Student edition
- 1 x PADI Decal
- 1 x Bag - Crewpak, Blue
- Brochures
If you are interested in this contact us now!!
Rescue Ultimate Crewpak

With this Crewpak you will be ready for anything as a rescue qualified diver and have access to a wide range of PADI materials needed throughout the course and beyond.

This Crewpak includes the following:
- 1 x Rescue Diver Manual
- 1 x Video – Rescue Diver – Student edition*
- 1 x Accident Management workslate
- 1 x Pocket Mask
- Brochures
If you are interested in this contact us now!!
Divemaster Ultimate Crewpack

With this Crewpak you will be ready for anything as a PADI Professional Divemaster and have access to a wide range of PADI materials needed throughout the course and beyond.

This Crewpak includes the following:
- 1 x Manual Only - Divemaster
- 1 x Instructor Manual
- 4 x Slates - Divemaster
- 1 x Video - Divemaster, Diver Edition
- 1 x Book - Encyclopaedia of Recreational Diving
- 1 x Cue Card - Discover Scuba Diving Instructor
- 1 x Professional Training Log
- 1 x Decal - Green Hologram (DM)
- 1 x eRDPml eLearning Access Card
- Brochures
If you are interested in this contact us now!!
Nitrox Ultimate Crewpak

With this Crewpak you will be ready for anything as aNitrox Diver and have access to a wide range of PADI materials needed throughout the course and beyond.

This crewpak includes the following:
- 1 x Enriched Air Manual
- 1 x DVD-Enriched Air Diving, Computer Use
- 1 x Card - Access code for online computer simulator
If you are interested in this contact us now!!
All Other PADI Specialties

This is for all other PADI Specialties, but they each only come with a manual.
Such as the Following Specialties:

- Underwater Naturalist
- Digital Underwater Photography
- Diver Propulsion Vehicle
- Dry Suit Diver
- Peak Performance Bouyancy
- Wreck Diver
- Deep Diver
- Equipment Specialist
- Altitude Diver
- Boat Diver
- Night Diver
- Underwater Navigator
- Underwater Videographer
- Drift Diver
- Underwater Naturalist
- Fish ID
If you are interested in this contact us now!!

The World's most popular log book is now even better!
- Full colour, non-smear recycled paper
- 3-hole punched to fit our log book binder
- Dedicated page for every PADI course from Open Water Diver to Master Scuba Diver
If you are interested in this contact us now!!
Logbook Refills

Necessary to continue logging extra dives when you have completed your logbook and want to revisit some old dives and amazing sightings.
If you are interested in this contact us now!!
eRDPml (e-Learning)

The eLearning eRDPml is an electronic dive table,accessible on mobile devices and tablets, for planning single and multilevel dives. Dive planning is now more convenient than ever with the eRDPml online
- For Use On: Tablets and mobile devices (9MB)
- Compatibility: Apple iOS- and Android-based devices
- Internet: Necessary only for download to the PADI Training App
- Course:All courses
- Components: Electronic, interactive dive planner, instructions and practice exercises
If you are interested in this contact us now!!
RDP Table and Instructions

Old school non-battery operated dive tables for planning dives when your at the beach.
If you are interested in this contact us now!!
Surface Marker Buoy

For when your on the surface and want to ensure that others can easily spot you, a geat visual safety device.
If you are interested in this contact us now!!
Dive Theory Book (e-Learning)

Increase your knowledge in the diing world and better your own skills.
If you are interested in this contact us now!!
Diving Knowledge Workbook (e-Learning)

Work through frequently asked questions and problems to increase your diving knowledge.
If you are interested in this contact us now!!
Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving

Perfect for anyone wanting to better their knowldge of the underwater world:
- Fun facts
- The latest information about the aquatic world
- Hundreds of color images and illustrations
- Physics, Biology, Equipment and Geography of Recreational Diving
If you are interested in this contact us now!!